$GOLD is a utility token for Gangster Arena. Supply is capped and token is deflationary.
$GOLD Tokenomics
$GOLD is an ERC-20 token which is the in-game currency for Gangster Arena 2
80% was distributed to players via in-game earnings or initial airdrop in season 2*
20% was minted future community rewards
Spend $GOLD to play Gangster Arena (buy units, join crews, etc)
There is a 5% buy and sell fee
1% goes to the liquidity pool, 2% to leaderboard rewards and 2% to treasury
*Excluding a small initial amount used to add liquidity to a DEX
Official Contract (on Blast):
$GOLD token
$GOLD does not constitute an investment. Gangster Arena Foundation does not provide any guarantees about the future value or performance of the token, and the value of the token may fluctuate significantly.
xGOLD is a non-tradable currency used to play Gangster Arena.
Last updated