New Season: Rampage

Introducing Gangster Arena 4: Rampage

Crew wars was a interesting idea but needs work. We're back to individual rewards this season with a goal of diversifying the gameplay to make the game more fun and unpredictable.

Super excited to introduce two major additions to the game:

  1. Auction House: Blind auction bidding mini-game to convert xGREED to $GREED

  2. Raid Score: Reputation isn't everything. Compete and earn based on your raiding prowess.

Gangster Arena 4 will last for 2 weeks.


We will seed the starting prize pool to make it more rewarding for players

  • 15m $GREED (~5% of supply)

  • 100% of ETH spent in Gangster presale

  • 0.2% $xU (2M)

  • 229k Blast Gold*

In addition, prize pool will grow whenever players spend or trade $GREED

  • 90% of $GREED spend to player rewards (remaining 10% burned)

    • 30% auction house

    • 30% reputation ranking

    • 30% raid score

  • 2% of $GREED trading goes to reputation and raid rewards as ETH

* Blast Gold will be distributed as mid-season rewards based on a snapshot of U points as at 30th August midnight UTC, due to requirements from Blast to distribute before Sep.

Auction House

We want to introduce a new way for players to earn $GREED during the season, while adhering to our core pillar of game theory.

How it works:

  • 30% of all $GREED spent will go to auction house rewards

  • Players can spend xGREED to make any number of non-refundable (and hidden) bids

  • The highest bids will win $GREED prizes each day

Will you spend your precious xGREED to compete in the auction house?

Raid Score

We want to introduce a new goal for players that isn't just about reputation, so that there are more strategic trade-offs in the game.

How it works:

  • 30% of all $GREED spent will go to Raid Rank rewards, which ranks players by raid points

  • Players steal Raid Points for successful attacks and defences in gang wars (players may have negative raid points)

  • The amount of raid points that a player can get is based on their total attack and defence, meaning bigger accounts can gain more points but also risk losing more.

  • Players can buy Pistols and Shields to boost their attack and defence. These items do not increase earning or reputation, but will help win gang wars.

Note: Raid scores are a novel system designed to make gang wars more fun & earning more strategic. We will closely monitor how it plays out in practice and if changes are needed.

Other Key Changes

  • Removed crews and crew ranking

  • Removed gang war def bonus of safehouses and earning bonus of goons

  • Reduced minimum number of gangsters for gang war to 5

  • Added gang war filter for raid score

  • Added new feature where winning a gang war also steals reputation

  • Added individual reputation ranking

  • Added gangster presale where ETH spent goes to prize pool

  • Added raid score as increasing U points

  • Changed contract logic so purchases can't be made at exact same time

  • Changed daily spin rewards to include goons, pistols and shields

Last updated